Understanding “Connection Closed by Remote Host” Error in Network Communication

3 min readJul 2, 2023


In the realm of network communication, it is not uncommon to encounter the error message “Connection closed by remote host.” This cryptic message can leave users puzzled about the cause and potential solutions. In this article, we will delve into the meaning behind this error, explore its possible reasons, and discuss troubleshooting steps to address the issue effectively.

Photo by John Barkiple on Unsplash

What Does “Connection Closed by Remote Host” Mean?
— Definition of the error message

The error message “Connection closed by remote host” indicates that the connection between two networked devices or systems has been terminated by the remote host or server. In network communication, when two devices establish a connection, they exchange data packets to facilitate communication. However, under certain circumstances, the remote host may close the connection abruptly, resulting in this error message.

This error can occur in various network protocols, such as TCP/IP, SSH, FTP, or HTTP, and can be encountered when accessing remote servers, websites, or services. The message signifies that the remote server or host has intentionally terminated the connection, preventing any further data exchange.

The reasons for the remote host closing the connection can vary, ranging from intentional actions by the server or service to underlying technical issues. Understanding the underlying causes and performing troubleshooting steps can help determine the specific reason for the connection closure and resolve the issue.

After searching this issue online, we got a lot of great ideas from this article. 6 ways to troubleshoot connection closed by remote host

2. Troubleshooting Steps:
a. Basic Checks:
— Verify network connectivity
— Confirm server availability and responsiveness
— Check for any recent network changes or updates

b. Client-Side Troubleshooting:
— Restart the client application or device
— Update network drivers
— Review and adjust client-side network settings

c. Server-Side Troubleshooting:
— Restart the server or service
— Monitor server resources and performance
— Review server configuration files

d. Network Infrastructure Checks:
— Examine firewall and router settings
— Ensure proper port forwarding or network address translation (NAT)

4. Advanced Techniques:
— Analyzing network packets using packet sniffers
— Employing network monitoring tools to identify bottlenecks
— Collaborating with network administrators or service providers

5. Prevention and Best Practices:
— Regularly update server and client software
— Implement robust network security measures
— Maintain sufficient server resources for anticipated traffic

Encountering the “Connection closed by remote host” error can be frustrating, but armed with a deeper understanding of its causes and troubleshooting approaches, you are better equipped to resolve the issue effectively. By following the suggested steps and adopting preventive measures, you can ensure smoother and more reliable network communication.

Remember, addressing network-related errors requires a systematic approach, and in complex environments, seeking professional assistance may be necessary to identify and resolve underlying issues.




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